Eric Francis Manu, Principal of British Protocol Academy and Vice Dean at Swiss Institute of Cultural Diplomacy (SICD)

Eric Francis Manu, FRSA is an Executive Coach, TEDx Speaker, Etiquette Principal, Consultant, Lecturer, and Entrepreneur whose career has spanned many years both in the Financial Services and Corporate sectors. Eric’s graduated from the University of Cambridge, currently studying at the Harvard Business Executive Programme a Member of The Association for Coaching ® (AC), Vice Dean, and a Success Philanthropy. He is also the founder and Principal of the British Protocol Academy, with teams all over the world. In 2018 Eric was recognized by his peers and colleagues for his contribution to the hospitality and etiquette industry, he was nominated for the Global Commonwealth Hospitality Award and then became a Prize Winner at The Big Ben Award which was held at the UK House of Parliament, first-ever black and minority to win such prestigious award in the international stage.


In the ever-changing landscape of education, schools are not only tasked with imparting academic knowledge but also molding well-rounded individuals equipped with essential life skills. Among these skills, etiquette stands out as a cornerstone, fostering a positive and respectful environment that shapes future leaders and responsible citizens.

Etiquette: More Than Just Manners

Etiquette goes beyond table manners and polite gestures. It encompasses a wide array of social skills, including effective communication, empathy, and respect for diversity. In a school setting, teaching etiquette provides students with a solid foundation for building meaningful relationships, resolving conflicts, and navigating social situations with confidence.

Fostering Respectful Communication

In an era dominated by digital communication, teaching face-to-face interaction skills is vital. Schools play a crucial role in honing students’ abilities to express themselves clearly, actively listen to others, and engage in respectful debates. These skills enhance their academic experiences and prepare them for future professional and personal interactions.

Promoting Empathy and Inclusivity

Etiquette education instills empathy by encouraging students to understand and appreciate the perspectives of others. By embracing differences and promoting inclusivity, schools create a safe space where diversity is celebrated. Teaching students to be kind and respectful regardless of cultural backgrounds, abilities, or beliefs fosters a sense of belonging and unity.

Building Confidence and Leadership

Confidence is a trait that can significantly impact a student’s academic performance and social interactions. Etiquette education equips students with the self-assurance to express their ideas, participate in discussions, and take on leadership roles. By nurturing confident individuals, schools prepare students to face challenges and contribute positively to their communities.

Resolving Conflicts and Encouraging Diplomacy

Conflict resolution is an essential life skill, and schools serve as the ideal environment for students to learn how to address disagreements respectfully. Etiquette education teaches students effective ways to resolve conflicts, fostering a culture of understanding and cooperation. These skills empower students to become diplomatic problem solvers, both in their academic and personal lives.

Etiquette Beyond the Classroom

Etiquette education doesn’t end when students leave the school gates. Schools can collaborate with parents and the community to reinforce these values at home and in society. Workshops, seminars, and community events can serve as platforms to emphasize the importance of etiquette and encourage its practice beyond the school environment.

Shaping Future Leaders with Etiquette Education

In the ever-evolving education landscape, etiquette remains a timeless and invaluable component of a child’s learning journey. By instilling these essential life skills, schools prepare students academically and nurture compassionate, confident, and socially responsible individuals. Etiquette education is not just a curriculum; it’s a legacy that shapes future leaders, empowering them to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world.

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